Teen Camp

July 7-12, 2025

Teen Camp Fees: $495.00

Fees include: Overnight boarding, Meals, t-shirt, camp book(schedule, devotions), activities, water bottle, name tag, backpack

Kid’s Camp

Session 1-June 23-28 2025

Session 2-July 7-12,2025

Kid’s Camp Fees: $425.00

Fees include: Overnight boarding, Meals, t-shirt, camp book(schedule, devotions, activities, etc.), water bottle, name tag, backpack, camp store expenses ($10)

Join our team this summer!

Which session will you serve during??

These counselors have a chance to teach God’s word to kids of all ages!

Arrival/Pick-Up Update:

Camp days will be Monday - Saturday


Invite a new camper: For every new camper you get to register for Camp Icthus you will receive a $25 discount!

PRAYER MUGS: When you register you can request 10 Prayer Mugs. See the Prayer Mug link for more information